Embark on a Journey of Odissi Dance

Imagine, a crisp evening with the rhythmic beats of an ancient drum resonating through the air along with spoken beats, your body swaying to the enchanting rhythm of the Classical Odissi dance.
Just as connoisseurs relish the unique flavors of sashimi and blue cheese, allow Odissi to refine your senses and immerse you in its mesmerizing artistry, leaving you captivated and longing for more.
Embark on a journey of discovery, where the secrets of Odissi's intricate footwork, graceful movements, and emotive storytelling come to life. This could be you!

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Experience the Magic of Odissi

Meet Sanatan Chakravarty, an acclaimed dancer whose performances have graced international stages and a maestro teacher who has shaped the future of countless Odissi aspirants. Trained by the legends of Odissi dance, Sanatan embodies years of knowledge gained from intense training under stalwarts like Padmavibhushan Guru Kelucharan Mohapatra, Guru Jhelum Paranjape and Guru Rabindra Atibudhi.

But why learn from Sanatan? His credentials speak for themselves. With accolades like Singar Mani, Pt. Vishnu Digambar Paluskar Award, and Nalanda Nriya Nipun to his name, Sanatan has captivated audiences at prestigious festivals throughout India.

Join our workshops today, because life's too short for missed opportunities! Let's keep this splendid tradition alive together, one step at a time.

Sanatan Chakravarty

About Sanatan Chakravarty

Sanatan's journey is a testament to an unwavering dedication to Odissi. It began under the guidance of dance legends and blossomed into a multifaceted career marked by illustrious awards, mesmerizing performances, and critical contributions to preserving Odissi. His rich background in martial arts, gymnastics, tabla, and Indian vocal singing, as well as his foray into classic English plays, adds depth to his teaching, further proof of his art's multidimensional nature.

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What Participants Say

"Sanatan's workshops have been transformative. His passion for Odissi is infectious, and his teaching style is engaging and supportive. I've learned so much and gained a deep appreciation for this beautiful dance form." - Beaas Gazdar

"I feel fortunate to have had the opportunity to learn from Sanatan. His expertise and guidance have taken my dance skills to new heights. His workshops are truly a magical experience." - Deepika Singh

Join Our Workshops Today

Embark on a journey of self-discovery, art appreciation, and sheer beauty. Step into a world where every beat, every move, every expression tells a story. A world where dance is not just an art, but a way of life.

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